Saturday 20 July 2024

Dark Angels Scouts

My quest to demolish the plastic krak pile continues with these mid 2000s plastic scouts.

Although they have just started their journey towards full marine and primaris status, they are pretty cool minis. I got them second hand and my favourite is definitely the bro with his mow-hawk and heavy bolter.

The sarge has some first born space marine arms with a bolt pistol and chainsword from the Dark Angels veterans kit.

Although they are on smaller bases than the current scout range I will get some adapters in the future to get them to the require 28mm base.

Painting followed my usual Dark Angel approach but I added some extra clumps of vegetation to the bases.the faces had a fair bit of detail considering their age and got some extra attention noting I mixed up the skin tones across the unit.

I have no idea how they go in 10th edition with the load out of shotguns but I am happy with their paint job so will given them a run in the coming weeks.


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