Thursday 29 August 2024

Deathwing Primaris Centurions

 With my recent conversion to create Primaris Centurions it was time to get some paint on these bad boys.

I wanted these dudes to have a more bone rather than a clean white colour for their armour similar to my Sternguard Veterans.

Painting the armour started with Vallejo bone and normal white and then a GW bone contrast paint. This came out a bit too dark so I used the GW white air paint followed by Vallejo white for highlights.

Gold speed paint and Vallejo gold was used for the armour trim. Gunmetal speed paint and metal was then used for highlights.

The cables used blue and red speed paints with various lighter colours to highlight.
Basing used astogranite with a heap of old small GW slate pieces with some bark for rocks.  The astrogranite was painted with Vallejo earth, then bestial brown and leather with a few light dry brushing of bone white. The rocks were black speed paints with bone highlights.

I am a big fan of the transfer sheet in the new primaris upgrade kit so went a bit nuts with as many as I could fit on without them looking like a nascar driver.

I am very happy with the finished result as these dudes are now the size befitting of their stat line and weapons.

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