Monday 12 February 2024

WAP Hobgoblins vs Vampires

 My first game using the revised hobgoblin book did not go well.  As you will see this was a short and brutal affair so this is a very brief battle report of lowlights and highlights.

I had my dire wolf unit led by Ghazrak fail to make a charge against the blood knights who were in turn charged and fled after two rounds of combat.

The lahmia vamp on her blood throne wagon steamrolled through my spears led by a bsb, shaman lord and an assassin!

The best performing unit was my wolves who marched up the extreme left flank and took out a few speed bumps but the loss of the centre meant I lost in two turns.

Not a great result but the game looked awesome.

Nords Jarl and Konungyr

Next up for my growing Nords for Conquest are my Jarl and Konungyr.

Both minis were base coated black and then dry brushed with various whites.

The blue had a speed paint dark blue and then built up to other lighter blues.

I wanted these guys to standout so their wolf pelts were painted brown with lighter highlights. Other bros in my army have black grey white pelts.

The silver used speed paint followed by mithril silver highlights.

I tried a few different skin colours including gw flesh contrast paints with Vallejo pale skin highlights.

The jarl is resin and I managed to snap the spear early on so I kept these dudes on the back of their base to avoid further clumsy weapon snaps.

Next for painting is my huscarls.