Sunday 28 July 2024

Ravenwing Captain with Jump Pack

 My Ravenwing continues to grow with the addition of a Captain with jump pack.

I am not a big fan of the recent GW release so decided to convert a spare suppressor mini I had in the pile of shame.

The conversion required a new head, lower arms, weapons and backpack.

The head is from a primaris captain with the wings from the Dark Angels upgrade sprue. The winged helm fits nicely with the Ravenwing atheistic.

The right lower arm came from an Age of Sigmar chaos bro and the left from my space marine bits. The right arm has a cool rune which I reckon fits in well with the mini. The thunder hammer came from my bits and fitted nicely with the lower part of the former weapon attached to the right arm. The relic shield came from the Dark Angels veteran kit and again was an easy conversion.

The backpack was also from the vet kit and was combined with the winged top and exhaust from the former suppressor.

Painting was kept suitably dark with limited colours much like my other Ravenwing bros. The only real colour is the red on the eyes, weapon handle and some other details.

As I did not have the flight stand that normally comes with the mini I used the paint brush covers/ tips I also used on my Suppressors.

I am just over a 1000 points and next for the Ravenwing will be the invictus warsuit, Reivers and some more outriders with another ATV.

Saturday 20 July 2024

Dark Angels Scouts

My quest to demolish the plastic krak pile continues with these mid 2000s plastic scouts.

Although they have just started their journey towards full marine and primaris status, they are pretty cool minis. I got them second hand and my favourite is definitely the bro with his mow-hawk and heavy bolter.

The sarge has some first born space marine arms with a bolt pistol and chainsword from the Dark Angels veterans kit.

Although they are on smaller bases than the current scout range I will get some adapters in the future to get them to the require 28mm base.

Painting followed my usual Dark Angel approach but I added some extra clumps of vegetation to the bases.the faces had a fair bit of detail considering their age and got some extra attention noting I mixed up the skin tones across the unit.

I have no idea how they go in 10th edition with the load out of shotguns but I am happy with their paint job so will given them a run in the coming weeks.


Thursday 11 July 2024

Ravenwing Outriders Part 3

 Another three Outriders are completed for my Ravenwing force.

These three will join my first unit of Outriders and Invader ATV and were painted to match.

As these are fairly monopose minis, I did a head swap on the bald head one for a different chrome dome and gave him a custom made chainsword. 

Here is the complete unit.

Friday 5 July 2024

Jump Pack Chaplain

 Although a little short these days, this metal Chaplain is a classic mini from the 2000s.

Painting relied on a metal undercoat and then highlights followed by contrast black for the power armour and contrast green for the cloth.

Although missing his original right arm, the bits box delivered the essential plasma pistol.

Tried a bit of light source painting on the pistol which came out ok. Next up will be a unit of jump pack assault intercessors for him to join.

Despite his size compared to his primaris bro, a built up base somewhat evens the difference.