Friday, 17 January 2025

Dark Angels Reivers

 One of my favourite Primaris unit is the Reivers. 

As always the rule of cool wins for my mini selection and these bros with their punisher helmets and dynamic posing get the tick from me.

I could not decide whether to go full or half helmet so I did a 50/50 split that meant I could also run them in two five man units.

For painting I prefer to undercoat everything whilst on sprue. For these dudes it’s a black undercoat and then I hit them with a grey followed by a light white dry brush. 

In my mind this gives me a head start with my painting after I have assembled the bros. Might just be me but this works as my personal hobby hack as with most gamers we all have a pile of shame.

After assembly this approach does require a bit of touch up of paint but is manageable.

After the tidy up of the base coat I used Vallejo steel, gold  and leather brown sped paints on the metal and pouches. The left should pads used green speed paint and a touch up of dark green. 
The power armour also used thinned down black speed paint and a light black wash in some parts.

The white sections relied on various thin coats of GW white air paint with higher sections picked out by Vallejo white.
Although these guys are to be part of my Ravenwing that includes some non mounted units, the black power armour and Dark Angels logos means they can also sub into my Greenwing.

Saturday, 11 January 2025

Heavy Intercessors

After a recent Tournament I decided my Inner circle taskforce for my Deathwing needed their own battleline intercessors. These intercessors will take the battlefield with the appropriate bone white colour scheme.

I picked up some alternate intercessor sculpts compared to those in my Greenwing Dark Angels so decided these bros would be heavy intercessors. I added the larger should pads where possible to differentiate them from normal intercessors. The larger bolt rifles also complements the “counts as” approach.

I picked them up second hand and they needed to have the house paint that was used to undercoat them stripped off.

Unfortunately this paint left a little “battle damage” on a few of the minis. On a couple of them this was remedied with some additional bits from the upgrade kit and transfers to hide the worst of it. 

Using a heavy bolter from the centurion kit I converted one of the bolt rifles into a heavy bolter. A little bit of green stuff and he was ready. I added a cool deathwing bit for a blast screen that also hid the left hand that I was not happy with.

As I will also be using my Sternguard Veterans as heavy intercessors from time to time, the painting generally followed their approach for a more bone rather than pure white colour for power armour.

With these dudes finished I am pleased to report I have finished all my Deathwing minis from the pile of shame.

Next up is my push to finish my Ravenwing including my heretical approach that includes infantry.