Saturday, 11 January 2025

Heavy Intercessors

After a recent Tournament I decided my Inner circle taskforce for my Deathwing needed their own battleline intercessors. These intercessors will take the battlefield with the appropriate bone white colour scheme.

I picked up some alternate intercessor sculpts compared to those in my Greenwing Dark Angels so decided these bros would be heavy intercessors. I added the larger should pads where possible to differentiate them from normal intercessors. The larger bolt rifles also complements the “counts as” approach.

I picked them up second hand and they needed to have the house paint that was used to undercoat them stripped off.

Unfortunately this paint left a little “battle damage” on a few of the minis. On a couple of them this was remedied with some additional bits from the upgrade kit and transfers to hide the worst of it. 

Using a heavy bolter from the centurion kit I converted one of the bolt rifles into a heavy bolter. A little bit of green stuff and he was ready. I added a cool deathwing bit for a blast screen that also hid the left hand that I was not happy with.

As I will also be using my Sternguard Veterans as heavy intercessors from time to time, the painting generally followed their approach for a more bone rather than pure white colour for power armour.

With these dudes finished I am pleased to report I have finished all my Deathwing minis from the pile of shame.

Next up is my push to finish my Ravenwing including my heretical approach that includes infantry.