Sunday, 15 December 2024

Sammael Grand Master of the Ravenwing

 After finishing Azrael it was time for Ravenwing to get their Grand Master Sammael ready for the table top.

I used mainly Vallejo paints follwing the same techniques as my Ravenwing Outriders.I purposely kept the highlights on his black power armour to a minimum.

Some of the sculpt had a few imperfections that were fixed with parts and transfers from the Dark Angel upgrade kit.

The base was built up using bark with a astrogranite finish. Some grass tufts, shrubs and barbed wire finished off the large base.
I even tried some source lighting effect from the plamsa cannon underneath the jet bike and what looked like exhausts at the rear of the bike. 

I still have the Ravenwing command squad, black knights converted from outriders, an ATV and some sneaky reivers to do.

Saturday, 30 November 2024

Supreme Grand Master Azrael

 I finally got my hands on an Azrael miniature for my Dark Angels.

As a member of the Deathwing I decided to invert the usual painting approach of Azrael of his dark green armour and white/bone cloak. 

The deathwing paint job of the armour went with more of a bone colour rather than pure white similar to my Sternguard Veterans.

The banner was pretty tricky to paint and I also inverted the usual colour approach with this and made it primarily a bone white colour with gold trim.

I kept the colour selection limited and really liked how the red came out on the lower cloak using a base of white, red speed paint and then mephiston red to highlight.

The sword of secrets had a gun metal speed paint with a white highlight followed by light blue speed paint in some of the areas. I left some of the white highlights to give off a pretty cool combined look for a plasma sword.

The base had a mix of rocks, grass tuffs and some barbed wire for something different.

Despite the mini being from a less reputable source I am happy with the finish.

Saturday, 16 November 2024

Deathwing Centurion Devastator Squad

After making my Primaris Assault Centurion squad I wanted to also have a squad of the Devastator Centurions.

I chose the lascannon fit out as after all these years it’s still my favourite heavy weapon.

I used the same approach to build as detailed in my how to post that was a pretty easy way to increase the size of the bros up to primaris size. I made the sarge a little taller than the other bros and used the Mohawk bit from the original kit.

All the heads are from the primaris lieutenant kit.

Painting followed my Sternguard Veterans approach which had more of a bone white colour. Finishing off was a heap of transfers and the bases using old bark as rocks and astrogranite textured paint.

Here is a size comparison next to a primaris marine.

Sunday, 13 October 2024

Wasteland Station

 After being donated this cool scratch build terrain piece it was time to wasteland it up.

I grabbed as many shades of brown and grey paint I could find and a silver spray can.

The goal was for a muted dull look so the building walls were painted a sandy yellow mixed with brown. The “steel” was sprayed silver with rust spots of brown.

After these base paints I used a dirty brown wash over the whole structure. The wash was used a little less in the grey concrete sections.

The base was sprayed brown with dry brushed lighter browns to yellow for the ground cover.

This should fit in nicely with the other 40K terrain I have painted recently.

Saturday, 5 October 2024

Dark Angels Ancient

In my few games of 10th edition I have valued the contribution of the Ancient to both combat and OC.

I decided my greenwing needed a morale boost so I picked up this bro from the indomitus box set.

Painting followed my usual black, white grey drybrush followed by Vallejo speed paints.

I wanted the skeleton on the banner to look aged so went with the more dull bone than the traditional white.  

Again I used a lot of transfers from the Dark Angel upgrade kit across various parts of the mini. I really like the one on his left shoulder pad which is a slightly different style to the traditional chapter icon.

Am happy with the outcome and look forward to running him in a few games.

Sunday, 29 September 2024

Dark Angels Captain

After a few months of painting Deathwing and Ravenwing, it was time for me to swing back into the greenwing with this captain from the indomitus box set.

No conversions were necessary and he came with a cool base with a dead necron.

I am a fan of the skeleton on the shield so I spent some extra time making the bone a little darker in the recesses than I normally do. This gives it a more aged look than the bone of my Deathwing.

I added a fair bit of gold on his armour befitting his Captain status. I added a heap of the decals from the upgrade kit with some extras on the purity seals.

With this bro finished think I have most captains covered for each of the wings of my Dark Angels.

Next up will be Reivers and then it’s time for some special characters.

Friday, 20 September 2024

Ravenwing Jump pack Assault Intercessors

 The Ravenwing continues to grow with these jump pack assault intercessors.

The minis are from the easy to build collection with pre primaris jump packs that fit on perfectly. 

The hooded heads and the sarge’s power sword come from the most recent primaris upgrade sprue.

Most of the transfers are from the same upgrade kit.

These dudes will either go with the jump pack Captain  or Chaplain.  Paint schemes also follows the approach of those dudes.

Saturday, 7 September 2024

Ravenwing Invictor Tactical Warsuit

The next addition to my growing Ravenwing force is an Invictor Warsuit.

I purchased this in a bundle and it was assembled and helpfully was painted in the base colours of the Iron Hands which worked as my base colours.

Painting followed my other Ravenwing bros using a lot of Vallejo speed paints over the existing colours. 

The weapon barrels had a mix of purple, red and brown washes for some weathering.

I used a lot of the new Dark Angel transfer sheet which has great variations including the cool silver skull on his left chest.

The warsuit base came with some skulls and a cool metal container dug into the ground. I kept these and added the tactical rock and used astrogranite to finish the base off.

The Ravenwing will continue to grow over the coming months with assault intercessors with jump packs, more bikes and reivers.

Sunday, 1 September 2024

Firstborn Techmarine

 In the lead up to my first 10th edition Tournament I needed a techmarine so it was time to check out the pile of shame.

Luckily for me I had the old school techmarine with thunder cannon. Although he has been sent to Legendsville and is a little short next to his primaris bros, I knew mounting him on a strategic rock that dominate the 40K universe would help any size inadequacies he may feel.

This mini is metal too so with all his ammo, weapons etc he is a monster. 

He did pretty good in the tournament so I am sure he will take the field again but this time he will avoid Angry Ron who did about 40 would when he charged him.

I followed my painting approach to my also red Apothecary Biologis that turned out great. Here they are together.